Pregnant Belly Sometimes Hard And Sometimes Soft (Why?)

Pregnant Belly Sometimes Hard And Sometimes Soft (Why?)

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Just like how every woman is different, every pregnant belly is also unique in its own. Depending on the mom’s pre-pregnancy body type and muscle tone, whether it is her first pregnancy, the number of babies she carries, her natural uterus shape, as well as the fluctuating hormones, every bump develops in its own way. As many would notice, besides the overall astronomical changes the body goes through gradually, the belly itself oftentimes feels differently to the touch from time to time—sometimes it feels tight and hard, and other times it feels soft and squishy. Why is this? Here are some common reasons: 

Reasons why the pregnant belly is sometimes hard and sometimes soft?

  • Uterus growth. To better accommodate the growing fetus, the uterus will expand dramatically in size, pushing other organs around it to make room for the baby. Eventually it pushes up against the abdominal wall. This will give your belly a tight and heavy feeling.
  • Gas, bloating, and constipation. The changing hormones can slow down your digestions, causing gastrointestinal issues such as gas, bloating, or constipation. Since these matters are temporary in nature, your belly can feel soft and hard as they come and go.
  • Abdominal muscular changes. Some women notice that their bellies feel softer in the morning then harden during the day. This might be that your abdominal muscles are loosening and relaxing throughout the day.
  • Baby’s positioning. Into the second and third trimester of your pregnancy, you might feel that the baby becomes very active and moves about in the womb. So, depending on where and how the baby is situated, your belly will feel differently to the touch in different areas. Later, approaching the end of the pregnancy, the baby’s head drops lower into the pelvis to prepare itself for birth. With the change, you might notice your belly becomes softer on top and heavier at the bottom.
  • Braxton-Hicks contractions and real labor contractions. Both the Braxton-Hicks contractions, otherwise known as “false labor,” and the true labor contractions can cause the belly to harden. Braxton-Hicks contractions are caused due to the uterine muscle fibers’ tightening and relaxing. It is your body preparing itself for real birth. Unlike real labor contractions, they are sporadic and irregular, and the belly will feel hard then soft as they happen. 

As we have explained, most of the times the belly’s form changes no cause for concern. But always consult your doctor if you notice anything abnormal like a fever or unusual vaginal discharges. Also, try to relax and take care of your body. Back pain, soreness in hips and thighs, swollen feet are very common during pregnancy. But we should not simply “suffer” just because they are common. Glo knows this well, because our products are designed by women who went through this journey just like you. Our Glo910 is the ideal pregnancy companion because it allows you to treat your tired body with a SPA-like massage whenever you want and wherever you want. The different heads are designed to massage different areas, with an adjustable intensity to make the treatment truly customizable. 

Serum 910 along with the Cool Legs are the perfect treatment to depuff the swollen and heavy legs at the later stages of pregnancy. Apply the serum first then follow it by a cold massage, it will release all tension and soreness in just 10 to 20 minutes.